Locally integrable function

In mathematics, a locally integrable function is a function which is integrable on any compact set of its domain of definition. Their importance lies on the fact that we do not care about their behavior at infinity.


Formal definition

Formally, let \Omega be an open set in the Euclidean spacen and \scriptstyle f:\Omega\to\mathbb{C} be a Lebesgue measurable function. If the Lebesgue integral of f is such that

 \int_K | f| \mathrm{d}x <%2B\infty\,

i.e. it is finite for all compact subsets K in \Omega, then f is called locally integrable. The set of all such functions is denoted by \scriptstyle L^1_{loc}(\Omega):

L^1_{loc}(\Omega)=\left\{f:\Omega\to\mathbb{C}\text{ measurable }\left|\ f\in L^1(K),\ \forall K \subseteq \Omega, K \text{ compact}\right.\right\}.


Theorem. Every function f belonging to L^p(\Omega), \scriptstyle 1\leq p\leq%2B\infty, where \Omega is an open subset of ℝn is locally integrable.

To see this, consider the characteristic function \scriptstyle\chi_K of a compact subset K of \Omega: then, for \scriptstyle p\leq%2B\infty

\left|{\int_\Omega|\chi_K|^q \mathrm{d}x}\right|^{1/q}=\left|{\int_K \mathrm{d}x}\right|^{1/q}=|\mu(K)|^{1/q}<%2B\infty


Then by Hölder's inequality, the product \scriptstyle f\chi_K is integrable i.e. belongs to L^1(K) and

{\int_K|f|\mathrm{d}x}={\int_\Omega|f\chi_K|\mathrm{d}x}\leq\left|{\int_\Omega|f|^p\mathrm{d}x}\right|^{1/p}\left|{\int_K \mathrm{d}x}\right|^{1/q}=\|f\|_p|\mu(K)|^{1/q}<%2B\infty


f\in L^1_{loc}(\Omega)

Note that since the following inequality is true

{\int_K|f|\mathrm{d}x}={\int_\Omega|f\chi_K|\mathrm{d}x}\leq\left|{\int_K|f|^p \mathrm{d}x}\right|^{1/p}\left|{\int_K \mathrm{d}x}\right|^{1/q}=\|f\|_p|\mu(K)|^{1/q}<%2B\infty

the theorem is true also for functions f belonging only to L^p(K) for each compact subset K of \Omega.


1/x &x\neq 0\\
0 & x=0
is not locally integrable near x=0.


Locally integrable functions play a prominent role in distribution theory. Also they occur in the definition of various classes of functions and function spaces, like functions of bounded variation.

See also


External links

This article incorporates material from Locally integrable function on PlanetMath, which is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.